Bioswales Update

Installed Bioswale Issues: Dead grass and Standing water

Local residents have noticed some issues with the newly installed bioswales within the in North 2 UEP area. We asked the UEP Project Manager to look into the problem and resolve the issues that have surfaced.

1. Dead Grass
2. Standing water

The Project Manager quickly responded as follows:

Response from Kevin Higginson the Project Manager

From: Kevin Higginson <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 8:53 AM
Cc: Sam (Rosa) Yaffey; Donald Freeman; Dennis Winchester; Audrie Goodwin; Elizabeth Ellis
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] - Re: Bioswale

Mr. Bashaw,

The bioswales in Contract 2 are completed and we expect the bioswales in Contract 1 to be completed this week. It appears that we will have some excess bioswale media in Contract 1 and are working with the contractor to utilize this media in about 200 additional lineal feet of bioswale.

We have performed an inspection of Contract 2 bioswales and have identified 13 locations where the sod appears to be stressed or needs to be replaced. The sod at Ms. Yaffey’s address and the other addresses she identified are on the Contract 2 punch-list. We are monitoring these areas and, where it is determined to be necessary, will be requiring the contractor to replace the sod. I expect this to be done within the next two to three weeks.

The City will be performing a similar punch-list inspection in Contract 1 and will address the issues that are identified.
If I can be of further assistance, please advise.Sincerely,
Kevin L. Higginson, P.E.
Utilities Extension Manager
Utilities Extension Office
P.O. Box 150027
Cape Coral, FL 33915-0027
Phone: 239-574-0706
Fax: 239-242-3903



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New Leadership Introduction - UEP