Crystal Lake Park Problem

NWNA Members:

Happy New Year and my best wishes to you and your family for a great 2021. We have a situation in the vicinity of Crystal Lake Park and I am asking you to support our members and help out.

The members near Crystal Lake are at their wits end with the partying, drag racing, bonfires, and loud music coming from and near the hill on the West end of the park.

Recently, CCPD was called, and I believe the Fire Department also was dispatched because of the size of the fire on the hilltop. I plan to present these suggestions at the Council Meeting on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

1. Add a gate or some other obstruction to keep vehicles off the hill

2. Post No Trespassing After Dark signs all around the park property

3. Post signage that states No Littering all around the park property

4. Increase Police Patrols through the neighborhood after dark

5. Support the NWNA efforts to clean and maintain the park property during development. The future park, especially at the hill, is littered with pallets, bottles, and other garbage that does not belong on that beautiful piece of property.

We have several members who will also be speaking at the meeting. Others have offered to be at the meeting to show support. To help, you can:

·    Attend the meeting on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 4:30 PM, in the City Council Chambers at 1015 Cultural Park Blvd

·    Speak at the meeting during CITIZENS INPUT TIME. Citizens Input Time is early on the agenda, so you won't have to stay for the entire meeting.

·    Send in your support on Ecomments

·    Send an email to our District Representative requesting his help

The situation at Crystal Lake Park is not acceptable and no one deserves to have that sort of activity in their neighborhood. Please get engaged.

Thank You

P.S. You'll be hearing from me shortly about the conditions at the 7 Islands Property and Tropicana Neighborhood Park.

John Bashaw

President - Northwest Cape Coral Neighborhood Association, Inc.





Crystal Park Problem Update


2nd NWNA Neighborhood Clean-Up Day - Pictures of Us!