General Meeting October 10, 2023
NWNA General Meeting ("Open to All") October 10, 2023
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N. Cape Coral, FL 33993
October 10, 2023 - 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Mayor Gunter
With Guest Speaker: Mayor John Gunter!
Guest Speaker - Mayor John Gunter
Presenting: "A Shared Vision of the Future of The NW Cape"
Mayor John Gunter
Meeting Agenda:
Committee Reports:
Don Apking, UEP Committee
New At-Large-Member
Don Apking - UEP Public Works Committee
Lessons Learned and Information Package
Development Review Committee Chairman
John Smart
7 Islands Project "Gulf Gateway" update
Coral Grove "Town Center" update
Waterway Committee Chairman
John Bashaw 2
John Bashaw
Key Ditch Rock Removal
Key Ditch NW Trail -Two Pines to Crystal Lake
Minimum Wake Buoys N Spreader
Mayor John Gunter
John Bashaw, Waterways Chariman
Guest Speaker
Mayor John Gunter
"A Shared Vision of the Future of NW Cape"
NWNA President's End of Meeting Comments
Jerry Smith
Promotion of NWNA Community Social on Nov. 9th!
"Meet and Greet new neighbors, developers, elected officials, city staff,
and business community leaders who are shaping the future of NW Cape"
Jerry Smith, President