NWNA General Meeting Summary - March 14, 2023

Presidents General Membership Meeting RECAP

March 14th, 2023 - Northwest Regional Library, Cape Coral

I am at my desk enjoying a cup of coffee this morning, following a very successful meeting last evening.    The meeting was a success mainly due to the fact; I made it out alive.    All kidding aside,  your passion and voices were heard and were truly welcome.

If you attended this "Members Only" meeting,  it is my hope that you left with a renewed spirit.  This morning, I was elated to find a few emails from members who want to volunteer on committees.

Ahead of this meeting, NWNA prepared and tabulated the results of our 2023 Focus Project Survey which highlighted; Utility Expansion, 7 Islands, NW Spreader Exit, and Beautification.  NW Spreader Canal Exit was the #1 Top Priority and received the largest margin of votes.  Winning easily by a three-to-one margin.

My highlights from the evening:

  • As the night progressed, we came together as neighbors. 
  • The show of hands in the room overwhelmingly supported and validated the results of our survey, moving the NW Spreader Canal Exit into the #1 position and primary NWNA Focus Project for 2023.  Overwhelming vocal support. 
  • Watching the emotions and reactions of our members ranging from disbelief and euphoria during an extensive Development Committee presentation revealing renderings of the many large projects coming to the Pine Island Road Corridor. 
  • Members responding to our need for additional help and willingness to come together more often.

I must admit, going into my first meeting as president……I had no idea what I was getting into.   Just before my introduction, I left the podium to welcome my wife seating in the crowd.   One gentleman mentioned to my wife "you may have to go up and save him".

The evening was a success.   Our simple goal was to extract the collective voice of our members.   The only way we could achieve this was to create an atmosphere in which people felt comfortable speaking freely.

I believe we accomplished this. I look forward to our next meeting which most of us felt should be more frequent.   More social events will be planned and seem to be well received.   

Thank you for coming out in support!

Jerry Smith, President NWNA

Meeting Slides


Video of Meeting

Thank You for Watching!


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