Tropicana Park May 2020 Update

NWNA Members:

During last night’s Council meeting, additional changes were made to the Tropicana Neighborhood Park design – all based on your input.

Another revised design will be brought forward at the next Council Meeting for review. At this point, I ask that we step back and wait to see what comes forward. There is no need to communicate with Council, other than to gratefully thank those who kept this in play as long as they have and for continuing to listen to the residents. The park design is definitely in the hands of the Council with input from the residents.

Our goal in this lengthy process was to have six issues addressed while helping to find a location for the club(s). Promises were made and promises are now being kept.

Lack of Transparency in the Park Design – It can’t be undone, but it is known the design and communication processes could have been more transparent. Let’s move on.

Safety of all boaters – We have raised awareness of the volume of traffic in the NW Spreader and I believe the protection of all boaters, present and future, is in the right hands. Let’s move on.

Unrestricted access – We are assured all park amenities (docks, ramps, etc.) will be available to the public. Some amenities paid for by the clubs will also be available for public use and we appreciate that. Let’s wait to see the Priority Use Agreement (PUA).

Zoning – all amenities and design (including the new park property along Old Burnt Store Road) will conform to the Land Use and Zoning rules everyone must obey. Let’s move on.

Use of Funds – amenities solely benefiting the club will be paid for by the club. The PUA will be complicated and I am confident there are enough eyes on it, including the City Attorneys. We will also have an opportunity to review it. Let’s be patient and see what the agreement looks like.

Fit in the Neighborhood – our concern about the equipment and its fit in the neighborhood was raised and addressed. Storage trailer parking and fences were discussed in detail and I am convinced this is adequately addressed, but let’s wait to see the PUA.

ALL issues raised by the NWNA when your input was solicited back in September 2019, are being considered by Council and the Rowing Club has a new home. Success. Just like last week, Council took charge of the park design, based on residents’ input. The major issues considered last night were.

  • Splash Pad – after healthy discussion led by CM Cosden, Council proposed putting a Splash Pad in Joe Stonis Park. This is actually a better location (my opinion).
  • Fit in the Neighborhood – CM Gunter led a great discussion on the location of the club, the type of equipment that can be placed on the park, and the specific boundaries of the space for the Rowing Club.
  • Use of Funds and the relationship with the Rowing Club – CM Cosden led this discussion, followed by the City Attorney explaining the complexity of this PUA and the uniqueness of the relationship with the club. Her words (paraphrasing) – this is not like the other relationships and there are a lot of tentacles. My words – this is going to be a very complicated and difficult PUA to write.

Let’s continue to deal with facts and present them in a professional, concise manner. You have all done a marvelous job staying on point, in a very tense situation. Well done.

Thanks. I will keep you posted.

“When you go into the end zone, act like you've been there before.”
. – Vince LombardiJohn Bashaw
President – Northwest Cape Coral Neighborhood Association, Inc.


Update on Tropicana Park Concept Plan May 2020


Tropicana Park (aka) Cape Coral Water Park