Urgent Care Facility Needed

Urgent Care Facility Needed

The following letter was sent on your behalf to Lee County Healthcare, to address the lack of Urgent Care Access in the Northwest Cape.

Ms. Everly and Ms. Clarke,

As Lee Health Board Members we urgently need your help! As President of the NWNA, I have received many complaints about the Urgent Care services that Lee Health has been providing to our community, especially during the past 15 months. The complaints greatly increase during the Snow-Bird season every year.

Cape Coral's population will soon be over 200,000 residents and that's not factoring in the influx of Snow-Birds and vacationers.

The largest amount of complaints that I've received are the wait times at the Cape Coral hospital.

Many are complaining that they've had to wait over 8 hours and that includes those with heart issues. 

Many have also complained, that the hospital does not have the qualified staff for many health issues and they are sent to another hospital in Fort Myers. The time has come for something to be done!

One of the fastest growing areas in Cape Coral is the Northwest area. We need an Urgent Care Center in the Northwest immediately!!

We are aware that Lee Health owns the property at 1200 Burnt Store Rd. on the Northwest corner of Yucatan Pkwy.

This location would be ideal for Lee Health to immediately build a much needed Urgent Care Center.

Our Northwest Cape Coral population deserves better service from the Lee Health organization.

Please feel free to express your preferences or concerns directly to them if you feel the same and want to have access to timely Urgent Care in our area. Their emails are:

Ms Everly - therese.everly@leehealth.org

Ms Clark - donna.clarke@leehealth.org


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