September is Membership Drive Month!

Avatar of secretary at desk showing thumbs up.Hi Members:
I just wanted to remind you all that the month of September is our Membership Drive Month!

Let your voices be heard, be part of the solutions, keep up with the changes and watch the NW Cape grow!

A Lifetime Membership is still only $15.00 per family!

This year we are going to give away free NWNA T-shirts to anyone that joins in the month of September (limit two per family), and the person that referred them will also get a free T-shirt.

The t-shirts were made available through the generosity of NWNA member Sam Yaffey - Realtor

So, if you know anyone that would like to join, has been thinking about joining us or is new to the NW Cape, please ask them to please go to our website and select the Membership Tab tab to join us.

Tell them to include the T-shirt size/s they want and to give us the name of the member that referred them in the Comments section of the application.

Stay Healthy!

Linda Stevens
Secretary for the NWNA


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