North West Cape Coral Neighboorhood Assocation, Inc.


December 15, 2023 -
Boat Parade Rescheduled to Friday, 22 December!

Update from the organizers:

 Hi All ~ Unfortunately, we have canceled the boat parade for this weekend and rescheduled:

Friday, December 22nd:  If it’s a light drizzle, we will move forward.  If it’s a steady rain, we will cancel. If this event is rained out, it will not be rescheduled. Questions? Email Dean below.

Thank you ~ Jan & Dean

Christmas Boat Parade

December 16 Starting at 6:45pm

Date: Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023 (In the event of rain, the parade will be on Sunday)

  • Start Time: The parade will start promptly at 6:45 p.m. (We try to wait until it gets dark enough).

  • Where: Staging and start area on the Spreader, just south of Bonefish Canal

Member Issues Addressed

Picture of palm tree and sun


Councilmember Keith Long (District 6) has appraised me on two issues related to issues you have raised with the NWNA. The first is regarding Burnt Store Road. 

Many of you have raised concerns regarding the intersection of BSR and Tropicana Parkway. Accidents and near misses are frequent. CM Long is aware of your concerns and is bringing them to the attention of the City and County - keep in mind, Lee County has jurisdiction over BSR. 

You may have noticed additional police presence in the area of BSR. This is directly related to residents raising concerns over safety in the area. Additionally, changes have been made to the Embers / BSR intersection during construction to prevent accidents. 

Several accidents have occurred at that intersection as a result of the construction and speeding, so changes during construction were warranted. Any inconvenience caused by the devices installed to prevent right-angle collisions is outweighed by the potential prevention of a severe crash. 

Please continue to be cautious as you drive through the construction area on BSR.  

Second, many of you have raised concerns about ATV use on city streets and in the Yucca Pens Preserve. Safety hazards and noise are the two symptoms residents who live in the inflicted areas have to endure.

The Cape Coral Police Department has increased patrols in those areas and will write citations for illegal use. Please keep in mind, ATV use on a city street is illegal. ATV use on private, vacant lots is also illegal. 

Additionally, the Lee County Sherriff's Department and the Cape Coral Police Department are partnering to increase patrols and presence in the Yucca Pens Preserve to curb incidents. 

CM Long continues to raise these and other issues to the proper parties. If it is convenient for you, please continue to raise your concerns to the NWNA and we will bring the issues forward.


John Bashaw

(920) 449-2000



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Here We Grow Again - October Edition

Wow! Cape Coral is really Rockin It!

Concept Drawing of Sovereign Properties

Last month we reported on the numerous apartment developments planned from Santa Barbara Blvd. to the west, along Pine Island Rd. Now there are more plans in the mix. 

Sovereign Properties, LLC intends to build 380 apartments in four (4) buildings with a central clubhouse and amenities on about 16.7 acres on the north side of SW Pine Island Rd. just east of Sunrise Senior Living and across Pine Island Rd. from the Carolina Apartments.

Recent zoning changes by the city require that multifamily dwellings be setback at least 250 feet from Pine Island Road so there will be a commercial component along Pine Island Rd. That portion would be developed by a separate property owner. 

Over view of concept property

Is there a Cape Coral Town Center in our future?

But there's more for SW Pine Island Rd.

A zoning amendment request was brought before the Cape Coral Hearing Examiner to change Single-Family zoned land along Pine Island Rd. to Commercial Corridor.

The property runs along the north side of SW Pine Island Rd. from the electrical power station, east to Bubbas, and then up and behind the German American Club.

The owners of the land, Surfside Corner LLC, brought the Oasis Surfside Apartments to Veterans Parkway. They are working with L&L Florida Management of New York City.

The plan talked about at the hearing calls for a 700,000 sq. ft. shopping center, 70,000 sq. ft. of office space, a 200-room hotel, a 50,000 sq. ft. movie theater/entertainment center, and 1,500 multi-family mid-rise dwelling units.

It's still early in the process and things could change but if plans are followed through on, this could be a game-changer for our area of the city.


Picture of Drive-In Movie screen

Leave it to Gator Mike's, on Pine Island Rd. across from Cape Coral KIA, to come up with something different. They are in discussions with the city to erect a drive-in movie theater capable of accommodating 80-100 cars just east of Gator Mike's.

If you remember, there's a Mellow Mushroom Pizza restaurant also coming to the east side of Gator Mike's. That project will be in permitting soon.

Macritchie Storage Ventures, LLC out of Alberta Canada is proposing a self-storage facility with five commercial buildings in the vacant area behind Office Depot and Kohls, just east of Nicholas Parkway.

Photo of Urgent Care Buildinging

In case you missed it, Lee Health has purchased nearly 23 acres in western Cape Coral for the future site of a medical complex similar to the outpatient physician and surgical center it operates just south of the Coconut Point Mall in Estero.

Lee Health is spending about $3.7 million for the property located on SW Pine Island Rd. between Carolina Apartments and the Honc property to the west. There are no immediate plans to develop the property but as the population grows in Cape Coral the need will be there for a facility in the western part of the city. Now, you know where it will be.

A facility on SW Pine Island Rd. would be similar to the Lee Health facility at Coconut Point

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New Fertilizer Ordinance Goes Into Effect

Changes to City Fertilizer Ordinance


On Wednesday (Oct 6) the Cape Coral City Council passed Ordinance 79-21, effective immediately.

The ordinance pertains to the use of fertilizer in the City of Cape Coral and strengthened the current requirements for Florida-Friendly Fertilizer Use on Urban Landscapes to protect the local surface and groundwater quality.

As our city grows at a rapid pace, it is critical to take steps now to achieve further reductions in the discharge of pollutants and improve our waterways, currently characterized as "impaired" due to excess nutrients.

The changes will help and are as follows:  

1. The width of the fertilizer-free zone extended from 10 ft to 15 ft from the top of a seawall or any water body or wetland to ensure no fertilizer is dispersed directly into the water. 

2. A voluntary educational program for residents and fertilizer retailers has been added and is in development. 

3. Fertilizer containing phosphorus is not allowed at any time unless a soil test was performed within the past two years showing phosphorus deficiency. *Note that soil tests have been conducted throughout the city and a negligible number of samples indicated a deficiency. 

4. Commercial fertilizer applicators are required to hold a 4-year license, subject to a validity check. 

5. The City Manager has the authority to extend the Prohibited Application Period to include the month of May, for a total of 5 months (Currently June 1 to September 30 - 4 months) 

6. Code Enforcement is authorized to sample fertilizer tanks and spreaders and submit them for analysis at the City's expense.

The ordinance markup document (link below) will be added to the city website in the Codes, Land Use, and Charter section (Chapter 9 Article VI). *Note that additional ordinances addressing the use of fertilizer on golf courses and city parks are also in development.

Let's all get on board with these changes and do our part to help protect the waterways in our little piece of paradise! You'll be glad you did!

Thank you for your support!

Patricia White
Environment Committee Chair

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New NWNA Member App is now available for Download

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New Hospital Coming to Cape Coral


Please see the article below regarding a new hospital for Cape Coral. This is a wonderful announcement - many of you have commented on our need for closer health care. Here it is. These things take time, but the good news is a commitment has been made and land has been purchased.

It took many people working together to make this happen, but it was Council Member Dan Sheppard who led the effort. His leadership and persistence are the reasons this announcement is being made.

John Bashaw
(920) 449-2000News Press Article - New Hospital

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Here we Grow Again - September Edition

Look what's going on in our city.

Two weeks ago we told you that 571 apartments, in three separate developments, would come online between Nicholas Parkway and Sam's Club on Pine Island Rd. in the next couple of years, if current development plans are followed through on.

Now, there's more coming to our area.  There's a plan, In the preliminary stages, for a 444-unit apartment complex a block east of Chiquita about halfway between Pine Island Rd. and Embers Parkway.  The name of the development is Noble Vines of Cape Coral.  One of the companies involved is Claret Communities, which developed Noble Vines complexes in Georgia over the last several years.

ariel view of construction sitePicture2Picture3

In addition to the apartment complex, there is a preliminary plan for a single-family housing development called Escondido Estates which will be located on a vacant lot on the north side of Embers, just east of the Embers and Chiquita intersection.  That development will consist of 18 single-family homes.



We also told you about the Tire Kingdom coming to Skyline next to Dairy Queen and across the street from Home Depot and the Culvers that's in the middle of construction.

There is now a new plan moving forward for a Wendy's restaurant to go just north of the Tire Store.

Wendy's store frontAriel view of building site

A Wendy's in that area has been in and out of the planning process for the last few years.  With things picking up in that area, this time may be the charm.

Concept drawing

A developer is in the pre-application process, working with the city over the concept plan of an adult living facility in the same area.  AMY Adult Living Facility would also be located in the area south of Pine Island Rd., between Palm City Nursery and the strip mall to the west.  The facility would accommodate between 58 and 62 residents.


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New District 6 Council Member


I am excited to share the good news with you on the new District 6 Council Member. Council Member Long was appointed last night at the Council Meeting on the first round of voting. 

You will find Council Member Long to have vision, passion, and a solid grasp of the issues before our great city. He comes to the position armed with all the tools needed to keep us on the right track.

The NWNA will support him, advise him, and work with him and all of the Council Members to continue to make this city an amazing place to live. Please join me in congratulating Mr. Long.

John Bashaw
(920) 449-2000Keith Long being sworn in at meeting.

Cape Coral City Council appointed Keith Long to fulfill the District 6 vacancy at tonight's City Council meeting. He will fulfill the remainder of the term, which expires in 2022. Congratulations Councilmember!

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Unlicensed Contractors in our City!

Hello Members:

We wanted to pass on this link to keep you all informed about this important subject.

Our city is being flooded with unlicensed contractors causing dangerous and possible serious risks to you and your property.

An unlicensed contractor's possible lack of education, possible criminal background, possible lack of insurance, or lack of qualifications can result in an extensive financial loss to the property owner and financial liability.

To verify if a contractor is properly licensed and insured contact the City of Cape Coral Licensing Division at (239) 574-0430.

John Bashaw, President
(920) 449-2000WINK News Report - Unlicensed Contractors

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September is Membership Drive Month!

Avatar of secretary at desk showing thumbs up.Hi Members:
I just wanted to remind you all that the month of September is our Membership Drive Month!

Let your voices be heard, be part of the solutions, keep up with the changes and watch the NW Cape grow!

A Lifetime Membership is still only $15.00 per family!

This year we are going to give away free NWNA T-shirts to anyone that joins in the month of September (limit two per family), and the person that referred them will also get a free T-shirt.

The t-shirts were made available through the generosity of NWNA member Sam Yaffey - Realtor

So, if you know anyone that would like to join, has been thinking about joining us or is new to the NW Cape, please ask them to please go to our website and select the Membership Tab tab to join us.

Tell them to include the T-shirt size/s they want and to give us the name of the member that referred them in the Comments section of the application.

Stay Healthy!

Linda Stevens
Secretary for the NWNA

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City Council to select a new District 6 Council Member

NWNA Members:

On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, the Cape Coral City Council will select a new District 6 Representative to serve in the seat vacated with the resignation of Mr. Williams. 

Based on the City Charter, Council has 30 days to select a candidate's replacement or a special election must be held.

Fourteen candidates applied for the position inside the filing deadline of August 27, 2021. This chosen candidate will serve the remainder of Mr. Williams' term, until November of 2022, when the next general election is scheduled.  

Council Members and the Mayor have been interviewing the candidates in preparation for their vote on Wednesday. I encourage you to review the candidates' credentials and familiarize yourself with the candidates by clicking the link below.  

Agenda for Upcoming Meeting


I am excited so many qualified candidates surfaced for this important position and I want to thank all of the candidates who stepped up and are willing to serve our city. You may view the City Council Meeting live here on Wednesday.

The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. and the vote is scheduled toward the end of the meeting.

John Bashaw, President

(920) 449-2000

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City of Cape Coral Changes URL

sign showing City of Cape Coral Fl logo

Hi Members

Effective August 25, the City of Cape Coral's website address (URL) will change from a .net to a .gov address. The old address of will now be a new government address:

The .gov website addresses are among the most secure and protected and are reserved almost exclusively for local, state, and federal government entities.

A significant benefit of switching to .gov is the addition of increased security features. "A common trick used online to obtain information is to impersonate a legitimate website," cautions Michelle Hoffmann, ITS Director for the City of Cape Coral, "however, a .gov makes it nearly impossible to do so."

Starting today, individuals who have the City's current website address saved as a "favorite" or "bookmark" on their desktop computers and mobile devices are encouraged to update their preferences and settings to reflect the change.

City staff email addresses will also reflect the URL name change from to Residents and organizations should update their contact lists to reflect this change.

After the switchover, individuals who visit the .net website will automatically be redirected to the new web address. Email messages addressed to an old address will also automatically be forwarded to the recipient's new one for a period of time.


Linda Stevens

Secretary for the NWNA

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City of Cape Coral Board Vacancies


I encourage you to apply for one of the board positions listed below. You can make a difference! These boards are influential and impactful in City government operations. I can tell you from my own experience that participating is rewarding and it can impact the decisions the City Council makes. Please call me if you would like to discuss your participation. I would enjoy talking with you about it.  

John Bashaw
920-449-2000Sign showing City of Cape Coral Vacancies

The City of Cape Coral is looking for volunteers to fill vacant board and committee positions. To see a full list of current vacancies, click below.

Click Here to see Board Vacancies

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Press Release by the City of Cape Coral to Fill District 6 Temporary Vacancy

City of Cape Coral Applications Being Accepted


Effective 8/17/2021, the City of Cape Coral will begin accepting applications to fill the vacancy in District 6. Please see the Press Release below.

Anyone residing in District 6 may apply. If you have questions about the position or its importance, don't hesitate to reach out.

John Bashaw,

President of the NWNA

City of Cape Coral District Map

City of Cape Coral

1015 Cultural Park Boulevard

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Date: August 16, 2021


The deadline to receive applications is Friday, August 27, at 4:30 p.m.

For application requirements or more information, please visit the City Elections Information below.


Maureen Buice

Interim Communications Manager

City of Cape Coral

City Elections Information

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High Speed Internet Service in Cape Coral

Call to Action

Sign that says An urgent messageSign that says Lumen and Xjinity


As you all know we sent in our Broadband Survey results to the City of Cape Coral showing the extremely poor internet service we have in all areas of Northwest. We have been following this project very closely, based on several requests you've made to us over the last couple of years,

The City of Cape Coral is currently considering budget expenses for fiscal 2022 and deciding how much of the budget to specifically dedicate to the broadband needs of the residents. We need to make sure they keep the Broadband needs of the NWCape residents as high on their list as possible!

To make sure that happens, we need to act now! We need them to understand how important high-speed internet is to the residents especially in the NW Cape where most of us do not have a choice and have to endure extremely poor service if any, at times.

We need to have as many residents as possible speak during the 60 minutes of the Citizens Input portion of the meeting.

To take no action is not an option, so the NWNA is asking you to:

·     Send in an email to the City Council and Mayor explaining to them how important it is to provide the necessary funds to ensure improvements can and will be made to give all residents access to high-speed internet.

·     Show that you support this initiative by wearing your NWNA t-shirt or any green one and showing up at the next City Council meeting on August 18th in the council chambers.

·     Speak at the next City Council Meeting and share your current issues with them. Citizens Input is usually at the very beginning of the meeting right after they take the roll call. Each person is allowed 3 minutes.

See you In Council Chambers on August 18th, @ 4:30 PM!


Thank You in Advance!

Linda Stevens, Secretary



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3rd Annual NW Cape Christmas Boat Parade

  • Date: Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023 (In the event of rain, the parade will be on Sunday

  • Start Time: The parade will start promptly at 6:45 p.m. (We try to wait until it gets dark enough.

  • Where: Staging and start area on the Spreader, just south of Bonefish CanalChristmas Boat Parade